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This is an old revision of the document!


With this plugin freely configurable statistics on profile Field contents and roles can be created. These statistics are unique (similar to their own list) configured and stored. Later, these preconfigured statistics can then be called any number of times. The statistics generated from a configuration can then be viewed by authorized members. - (Admidio 3.3)

Ältere Versionen: - (Admidio 3.2) - (Admidio 3.1) - (Admidio 3.0) - (Admidio 2.4)

Formerly supervised by: kcn/Alexn

Plugin-Version: 2.3.2

Necessary Admidio-Version: 3.3

Supported databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL

Supported Languages: Deutsch

License: GPL 2

Sourcecode: GitHub

The installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Unzip the contents of the file to adm_plugins
  2. Please add the following line in the file adm_themes/modern/my_body_bottom.php:
    include(ADMIDIO_PATH . FOLDER_PLUGINS . "/statistics/statistics.php");
  3. Log in Admidio and click Statistics menu on item “Install/Uninstall”
  4. Install the plugin with the Installation Manager
  • Within the first step you should save the file config.php in your plugin folder.
  • Now replace alle files of your plugin folder with the files of the new version.
  • Upload your saved config.php to your plugin folder and override the existing file.

In the config.php file permissions for the plugin are stored. The following permissions are available:

  • $allowInstall - determines who can install & uninstall the plugin
  • $allowConfig - determines who can edit statistics
  • $allowShow - determines who is allowed to view statistics

Here are some examples of how permissions can be configured:

  • Allow function for a certain user group
    $allowConfig = array('Webmaster');
  • To activate a function for several user groups, just the array extend around the respective groups
    $allowShow = ('Webmaster','Vorstand','Rollenname1','Rollenname2');

Possible user groups are:

  • All - everyone has access to the module (not recommended)
  • User - Only registered users (not recommended)
  • Role Manager - only users with rights “to create roles” (not recommended)
  • <Rolename> - only members of this role

The complete User Guide is currently available as a PDF document. This is integrated into the installation package and can be called from the stat editor.

2.3.2 (17.06.2018)

  • Remove direct includes of Admidio classes and use autoloader (Fasse)

2.3.0 (25.02.2018)

  • Compatible with Admidio from version 3.3.0 (Fasse)
  • Decimal fields were not evaluated correctly (FusionAlex)

2.2.1 (29.12.2016)

  • fix some bugs

2.2.0 (17.12.2016)

  • Compatible with Admidio from version 3.2.0 (Fasse)

2.1.0 (20.08.2016)

  • Compatible with Admidio from version 3.1.0 (Fasse)

2.0.0 (06.12.2015)

  • Compatible with Admidio from version 3.0.2 (Oliver/Thomas-RCV)

1.1.2 (27.7.2013)

  • Bugfix: Profilfeldreihenfolge im Editor ändert sich willkürlich
  • Bugfix: SQL-Fehler bei Funktionen min, max, sum, avg

1.1.1 (27.4.2013)

  • Problem mit dem Editor behoben

1.1.0 (04.4.2013)

  • Kompatibilität zu Admidio 2.4
  • Zeilen und Spalten können verschoben werden

1.0.1 (19.3.2013)

  • Probleme mit falscher EOL-Kodierung und AdmException wurden behoben

1.0.0 (29.1.2013)

  • Statistics-Plugin veröffentlicht
  • en/plugins/statistics.1529216185.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/17 08:16
  • by fasse