Installation question

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Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

I have the files copied in place, but when I open index.php I get the following:

Old Admidio version 1.x or 2.x config file detected! Please update first to the latest version 3 of Admidio and after that you can perform an update to version 4!

This is a new install with the latest download, 4.12.13.

what am I missing?
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

Do you have a config.php in the main Admidio folder e.g. admidio/config.php ?

If so, please remove that file.
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

No, there is no config.php file in the main folder. The only PHP is the index.php file.
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

This is very strange. But then call the installation script directly

Code: Alles auswählen
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

I get the same thing...

Old Admidio version 1.x or 2.x config file detected! Please update first to the latest version 3 of Admidio and after that you can perform an update to version 4!

Please view our documentation.'); } else { $g_root_path = getAdmidioUrl(); } require_once($rootPath . '/adm_program/system/bootstrap/bootstrap.php'); $availableSteps = array('welcome', 'connect_database', 'create_organization', 'create_administrator', 'create_config', 'download_config', 'start_installation'); if (empty($_GET['step'])) { $step = $availableSteps[0]; } else { $step = $_GET['step']; } if (!in_array($step, $availableSteps, true)) { admRedirect(SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . '/adm_program/installation/installation.php', array('step' => 'welcome'))); // => EXIT } // start PHP session try { Session::start('ADMIDIO_INSTALLATION'); } catch (\RuntimeException $exception) { // TODO } define('THEME_URL', 'layout'); // create language and language data object to handle translations $language = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['language'])) { $language = $_SESSION['language']; } $gLanguageData = new LanguageData($language); $gL10n = new Language($gLanguageData); $language = $gL10n->getLanguage(); // check if adm_my_files has write privileges if (!is_writable(ADMIDIO_PATH . FOLDER_DATA)) { echo $gL10n->get('INS_FOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE', array('adm_my_files')); exit(); } // if config file exists then connect to database if (is_file($configPath)) { try { $db = Database::createDatabaseInstance(); } catch (AdmException $e) { $page = new HtmlPageInstallation('admidio-installation-message'); $page->showMessage( 'error', $gL10n->get('SYS_NOTE'), $gL10n->get('SYS_DATABASE_NO_LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE', array($e->getText())), $gL10n->get('INS_CONTINUE_INSTALLATION'), 'fa-arrow-circle-right', SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_INSTALLATION . '/installation.php', array('step' => 'connect_database')) ); // => EXIT } // now check if a valid installation exists $sql = 'SELECT org_id FROM '.TBL_ORGANIZATIONS; $pdoStatement = $db->queryPrepared($sql, array(), false); // Check the query for results in case installation is running at this time and the config file is already created but database is not installed so far if ($pdoStatement !== false && $pdoStatement->rowCount() > 0) { // valid installation exists -> exit installation $page = new HtmlPageInstallation('admidio-installation-message'); $page->showMessage( 'error', $gL10n->get('SYS_NOTE'), $gL10n->get('INS_INSTALLATION_EXISTS'), $gL10n->get('SYS_OVERVIEW'), 'fa-home', '../index.php' ); // => EXIT } // if config exists then take parameters out of this file if ($step === 'welcome') { // save database parameters of config.php in session variables $_SESSION['db_engine'] = DB_ENGINE; $_SESSION['db_host'] = DB_HOST; $_SESSION['db_port'] = DB_PORT; $_SESSION['db_name'] = DB_NAME; $_SESSION['db_username'] = DB_USERNAME; $_SESSION['db_password'] = DB_PASSWORD; $_SESSION['table_prefix'] = TABLE_PREFIX; admRedirect(SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . '/adm_program/installation/installation.php', array('step' => 'create_organization'))); // => EXIT } } switch ($step) { case 'welcome': // (Default) Welcome to installation $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Welcome to installation'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/welcome.php'); break; case 'connect_database': // Enter database access information $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Enter database access information'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/connect_database.php'); break; case 'create_organization': // Creating organization $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Creating organisation'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/create_organization.php'); break; case 'create_administrator': // Creating administrator $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Creating administrator'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/create_administrator.php'); break; case 'create_config': // Creating configuration file $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Creating configuration file'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/create_config.php'); break; case 'download_config': // Download configuration file $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Download configuration file'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/download_config.php'); break; case 'start_installation': // Start installation $gLogger->info('INSTALLATION: Start installation'); require_once(ADMIDIO_PATH . '/adm_program/installation/install_steps/start_installation.php'); break; }
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

Hmm, I don't know whats the problem with Admidio in your environment. The simple check is if there is a config.php in the main folder. Nothing more. In your case this check returns true. But you are the only one with this problem. I could not find an error in the code :(
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

So, I took another computer, clean build/install of Linux Mint... installed Mysql and Apache2.. then tried the install of Admidio with the exact same message...
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

Thats very very strange since you are the only one reporting this problem.

Which PHP version are you using?
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

I was missing a couple of components.. sorry I am fairly new to apache/php.. I have that resolved but now get a blank white screen. I created a test php file and have verified that PHP is now working properly. I can rip the admidio site out and start it over to see what I get then.
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

OK, cleaned out the admidio site, re-extracted and setup but same thing either index.php or direct to install.php I just get a blank white screen.
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

Any ideas on where to go next? Went through clean build/load.. tested apache, mysql and php all working. When I go to installation.php it does not launch, I just get a blank page.
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

If there is a blank page than the script got an error. Please set up a php errorlog and than look into that file and post the error reported in this file.
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »

[Wed Jan 10 12:47:06.298605 2024] [:error] [pid 17395] [client] PHP Warning: phpinfo(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /var/www/html/info.php on line 1
[Wed Jan 10 13:38:57.193843 2024] [:error] [pid 17393] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:39:48.319020 2024] [:error] [pid 17403] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:39:49.767469 2024] [:error] [pid 17404] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:39:50.820496 2024] [:error] [pid 17405] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:47:29.870995 2024] [:error] [pid 17395] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:48:00.337624 2024] [:error] [pid 17392] [client] PHP Warning: phpinfo(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /var/www/html/info.php on line 1
[Wed Jan 10 13:48:30.641192 2024] [:error] [pid 17393] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
[Wed Jan 10 13:48:35.870852 2024] [:error] [pid 17394] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admidio/adm_program/system/bootstrap/constants.php on line 29
Beiträge: 6125
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von fasse »

There is something wrong with your PHP installation. The line that is in the log file has a valid PHP syntax. The file works for all other installations/users. My knowledge about the PHP installation is not so good that I could say what is wrong in your installation.

Which PHP-Version are you using?
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 3. Nov 2023, 18:22

Re: Installation question

Beitrag von DAS »


I have also built test php files and put in my admidio folder.. they launch without issue